Life coaching with Dianne Russell
I help people understand such issues
Career mentoring
Advice for you, if you want to change jobs correctly or activities. Conscious choice of your future.
Work & life balance
Coaching for you if you want harmony in your life and are ready to change habits and thoughts.
Important decision
Coaching for you, if you are ahead of an important decision - what to do next, how to be.
Tell me if any of this resonates with you...
You think about the fact that it's time for a change your life
If your life looks great on paper but feels crap in real life, we need to talk. My mission is to empower women to love the skin they’re in so that they finally start living a full and extraordinary life.
You understand that you deserve more than you have now
There are whole industries dedicated to telling you you’re broken. You need fixing. You’ll only be good enough when you see a certain number in your clothes or on the scales. That “success” means having a certain job, looking a certain way and living a certain lifestyle.
But let’s be honest, magazines – and even many health and wellness professionals – sell diets, exercise plans and tell you that’s wellness and happiness. It’s not.
You want to live the way you want!
They tell you that when you’re embarrassed, guilty, disgusted or simply exhausted enough – you’ll change. But that’s not worked before and it won’t work now. You don’t need fixing. You just need some help to appreciate and prioritise yourself. What you need is a little self care.
Working together for your better life!
What I live for and how I can be useful to you
My life
Originally born in Belgium, Dominique moved to Japan at the age of six, which gave her a fascinating insight into two infinitely different cultures.
Today, she holds a Master Practitioner degree in neurolinguistics and is certified in C-IQ® (Conversational Intelligence®).
HR sphere
She also holds a Masters in Economy and is a Post Graduate in HR Management.
My hobbies
She is a dynamic, curious and creative individual who isn’t afraid to take risks. She energises her clients and opens their minds to the myriad possibilities within their reach.
Coach and life coach
Dominique has dedicated her life to learning what makes humans tick. She studies, researches and reads everything she can, and shares her findings with her clients.
My projects
Online learning is becoming a vehicle for transformation for individuals and leaders across organizations.
Kind words from my happy clients